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Name:Melissa Antes
Location:Fredonia, New York, United States

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Monday, January 31, 2005

identity project, part ii...

Luckily for me, I have awesome friends, who have better ideas than me. *g* I described my original idea to my dear friend Megs while on aim this afternoon, and she wasn't too enthused about it, saying it really did sound just like everything else I'm doing. Which, admitedly, was true. Somewhere around a hundred years ago, there's this girl (the pictures of whom will be photos of me) who sees her mother's ghost, the girl's father was an angel but she doesn't know it yet, obviously an unholy union etc...
But even as I thought it through, I knew it was cliche and lame.
So then Megs has the brilliant idea of taking the pov of an alien, and completely mis-interpret everything seen, make it this wonderfully amusing satirical thing..
..only I don't do satire well, it absolves into either cranky sarcasm or completely insanity.
I still wanted to do something set in the past (right there, I think, is going to be the first major divergence point from what everyone else is doing), as I'm sure Megs could tell. I started spinning ideas around, I'd already done some thinking about this girl's character, independent of her background. The story is going to be set in the early 1900s, I know that much, cos that's when Kodak's Brownie cameras came out, they were pretty much the first amateur cameras around. And this girl has a camera. (And I'm going to have a fabulous time making all my photos look old. *g*) I was flipping through some of the photos I have scanned/uploaded onto my computer already.. looking at pictures from my birthday this year, I looked at one of Megs and I, me with a shirt lined with black feathers at the top, and the idea of a masquerade ball passed through my mind, which Megs liked.. So amidst our random ideas, she suggests the girl's a frustrated lesbian in the 19th century. I bumped the time period up a bit, and liked, and spun off a quick, somewhat unoriginal idea of this girl falling in love with her best friend, and the two of them running off (or, at least, wanting to) in order to avoid this "perfect match" the girl's parents have made for her to some guy. As a cast of characters, this will work perfectly - I have pictures of myself, Megs, and my friend Erik in which all of us look like we could have been from any time in the past, particularly the time period around which I'd planned to write.
Fumbling around for a setting, I realised I can set it right here in Fredonia - there was still a college here, and this way I can use photos from around town (which I have a lot of as is)...and it's always easiest to write about places you know anyway.
*Definitely* using shots from Pioneer Cemetary <3, there's one stone in particular that's going to be *perfect* for use in this story...

heeeeeeeee I'm so excited now. ^___________^ I've been working this idea over in my mind since..well, shortly after that last post, and while the basic premise isn't exactly the most creative, I think the way I'm going to approach it will save it from inherent lameness.

*crosses fingers*

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Sunday, January 30, 2005

identity project...

I am so stuck for ideas. x_x; I have one, but, it's not nearly as fun and out there as what everyone else seems to be doing... not, y'know, that anything I do is ever like what everyone else does *laughs softly* which's good and not...
The story I'm spinning out in my head is too close to everything else I do, and I know I ought to branch out a little more...I guess I just feel I've still so much more I can do, the area I'm in, and I'm not nearly ready to leave it yet, though I've been here over a year. This idea is a little different from what I've done...maybe just considering it a little longer will help me pull it out farther.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

favourite media artist... with my lack of decisive abilities, I'm going to be able to give you a short answer. ^^;

A + C's stuff looks really cool, it's a really interesting concept, and I like the way they go about it.

Jeremy Blake, I love the colours and the subtleties,

Benjamin Edwards, I like the whole concept, the way he represents the media world in his works.

Margi Geerlinks has some incredible concepts as well, and absolutely gorgeous photographs, I love her choice of models and ideas.

Jon Haddock has some of the coolest ideas... I particularly like his means of making an image of the RGB amounts in images, and his drawings of important events in a Sims-like style.

I suppose these last two are some of my favourites I've seen... I really love Ferry Halim's stuff as well... Interesting as I think these all are, and much as I'm drawn to them, however, none of it really links directly to my own style of artwork (such as it is). I'm terrible at vector-style graphics, though I like own style is much more detailed. Still, though, there are various small things I draw from all of these, especially the ideas behind.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005


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Artist Statement - Hyper-reality
because everyone needs to see
revised proposal
proposal for hyperreality
link day!
render time
touch me and I will rape you in your sleep
Tom is a black hole of luck
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