proposal for hyperreality
I'm still sifting through a couple of different directions with this, but I think what I'd like to do is something involving a visual representation of things which are not usually visible. Initially I was thinking something along the lines of auras, but those aren't really of particular interest to me, and I realised ghosts could be quite nice to work with. Not like white sheets floating in mid-air, but more subtle things, flashes of light or glimpses of a faint face in a mirror, perhaps even transparent versions of objects which no longer exist. I would not film this in a cemetary or anything, but someplace more every day, probabaly an older building, but one that's still used on a daily basis. I'm really intrigued by the concepts of history, memory, and prior meanings which places and things once had to people who are no longer present. At the risk of a bit of overlap with my capstone, they're ideas I'd like to work with a bit more, and video allows for explorations of the concepts in different directions than what I'm able to do in my capstone. While Beneath the Dust relays more specific stories, this project would aim to convey more of the emotional, psychological feeling of things past in some form remaining in a place, providing a more immediate emotion.
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