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Name:Melissa Antes
Location:Fredonia, New York, United States

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

touch me and I will rape you in your sleep

I made a fantastic note to leave on a computer left alone to render while waiting on a 2... no, 3... no wait, more like 6 hour render of my own. It is here. (It is huge because photoshop said this size was a letter paper size. It's a little not, but it only needs shrunk a tiny bitlet to print happily.) Feel free to use. There will also be a spare copy or two probably floating around the lab.

I meant to post this last night, but Tom finished working earlier than I'd thought. (Well not really, really I was amazed how hard and long he worked at it... it shows, his looks sweet.)

The extention to Friday is perfect, I just need to fix some nitpicky things..rather, they're fixed now, did that before class, but now I've got to reexport everything.

Hope no-one'll need this comp for the next two days... and here's hoping my harddrive doesn't mind being used for over 24 hours straight. hmm.

Also here's hoping quicktime will re-compress and export my files nicely, it hasn't been yet. sigh.


edit: After one night of amusement, the rape sign is officially retired, Matt just lectured that it's inappropriate for a professional class, however funny it might have been late at night. He is, of course, right, but we still think it's funny. Will be making and posting a second version soon. (Wanted to try out different messages anyway, hee.)

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