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Name:Melissa Antes
Location:Fredonia, New York, United States

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Friday, March 10, 2006


I am so drained right now.

I did not put this project off. I had everything done but burning to dvd on Monday, with the extra time I tweaked a bit and re-exported. I have been in the lab past midnight for the last three nights. I fought trying to get the dvd program to encode my videos for five hours last night, trying everything I could think of.

So now that we know about apple-M, I'm re-exporting everything yet again (though it was all uncompressed before, dvdstudio still wouldn't read them, or would read some but not others), which'll take about another three hours, before I can even get back into the dvd program.

And I am not the only one who has officially spent more time trying to publish to a dvd than was spent filming and editing everything.

And here I was all excited to not have to put everything on dv tape again... that was nothing compared to this.

...on the bright side, the white board's looking pretty sweet about now, and I put together a whole list of random little things we've all learned throughout the hell of this week. And I know far too much about that goddamned program. And I feel so much closer to everyone else who's lived in the lab this week, there's that wonderful camaraderie built of shared trauma.

But I cannot even move.

...on another bright side, I am actually almost looking forward to spending 6 hours working on each of the two drawings I have left for my capstone. Only I have to go back to the lab at 6 again and start the third video track re-exporting, then whenever that's done, go in and make the freaking dvd.

If I'm not done tonight, I swear.....

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