My Photo
Name:Melissa Antes
Location:Fredonia, New York, United States

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Monday, March 28, 2005

look! you can be lazy *and* useful!

If you've the time to be reading my random posts, you've the time to click and punch in your name here.

The prosecutor in the case has demanded that Yuri Samodurov, Director of the Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Centre, and Ludmila Vasilovskaia, the museum's curator, be imprisoned for three years and two years respectively. The prosecutor has also called for a two-year sentence for Anna Mikhalchuk, an artist who participated in the organizing of the exhibition, but for her to be released from the obligation of carrying out the sentence. The prosecutor has also demanded that Yuri Samodurov and Ludmila Vasilovskaia be deprived of the right to occupy similar positions in commercial or non-commercial organizations and that all the works of art in the exhibition be destroyed.

The exhibition, entitled "Caution! Religion", opened at the museum on 14 January 2003. Artists participating in the exhibition used religious symbols in their work. One controversial exhibit was an image of an advertisement portraying the face of Jesus Christ and the wording in English 'Coca Cola. This is my blood.' A press release issued by the Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center stated that ‘the name of the exhibition gives a clear sense of the dual nature of its scheme: the exhibition is both a call to a careful, delicate and respectful attitude towards religion, belief and believers, and also a warning sign… when it comes to religious fundamentalism... and a union of religion with state obscurantism".

(link to images from the gallery.. I did all the wading through a Russian website for you. *g*)

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

end transmission one...

...y'know, that really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Probably because I was comfortably conscious of the fact that the chances anyone heard me (besides my cats) was like, .00001% or something. I still blanked and rambled a lot (which should happen less, as I don't intend to be in front of a computer when I broadcast without being away on aim), but hit a bit of a stride toward the end.. and not only that, but as I sat and thought a bit and talked, I hit on some very nice phrases, which I think I'll work into poems or something later. So that was nice and productive, for that reason even if no other. ^_^

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"calling on in transit..."

(Have had R.E.M.'s "Radio Free Europe" stuck in my head ALL day thanks to this project.)

First radio broadcast is going to be made shortly (like within the hour or so)... so if you're within a block of my house in North Chili, tune in. ^^;; S'pose there's a chance one of my neighbors will have the radio on...of course, there's a major station that broadcasts at 97.9, and one around 96.5, 96.9... but I could hear a little click and altered static when I turned my radio on or breathed across it beside our great big 80s stereo, so presumably this'll at least sort of work.

As for what I'm broadcasting.. I was thinking about the fact that my radio is (not currently, due to transportation issues, but usually) housed in an old camera.. cameras take snapshots, catching at brief moments in time and showing them to more than would have seen them otherwise.. so I figure I'll do about the same with my broadcast. I've a few little things written up, and I'm still playing with the idea of the border between memory and imagination, history and fiction, so I think I'm going to interweave my own memories of things and observations with things I write, jumbling together different times and points of view.

With random music probably between my blatherings, for when I start getting too rambly and stop making sense. ^^; (I don't plan on making all my broadcasts one-hour shots though, I was just a bit busy this week. I'd also like to keep a uniform time..but since I'm out of range of anyone else anyway right now, I won't worry about it this week.)

... Right, and again fate decides to encourage my procrastination. I'd fully intended to go broadcast now...and someone important gets on aim. oops. ^^;; I can wait a few more minutes, right?

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Friday, March 11, 2005


There. Done. (for now.) Still a few little things I'd like to tweak, but I'm done for the night.

Firefox does not like css.

Not everything likes having its margins tweaked.

Stealing Learning from bloggercode from other templates is a good thing.

I only wish I could've drawn this, all I did was photoshop the fuck out of it. Original image from Kaze to Ki no Uta, manga by Takemiya Keiko. (original)

Checked in the early stages for compatability with ie, but then I got lazy and realised I didn't care. Best viewed in Firefox, 1024x768, with the status bar turned off. XD

...bedtime for me.....

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Thursday, March 10, 2005


*determined to finally get this thing changed into something of my own*


*not so fond of how complicated blogger code has gotten now* There used to be few enough blogger-specific codes that they were all listed down below the template-editing window, and they were all right there so you knew what they were...

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

24hr links

Henk van Rensbergen:

Takemiya Keiko:

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Artist Statement - Hyper-reality
because everyone needs to see
revised proposal
proposal for hyperreality
link day!
render time
touch me and I will rape you in your sleep
Tom is a black hole of luck
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
Current Posts

my livejournal
Desert Songs
MEDA 265
MEDA 352
MEDA 495
capstone - beneath the dust